Wednesday, May 29, 2019

All The Shah’s Men by Stephen Kinzer Essay -- All The Shah’s Men, Step

In the novel All The Shahs Men we ar introduced to Iran, and the m all struggles and hardships associated with the history of this troubled landed estate. The Iranian coup is discussed in depth throughout the novel, and whether the Untied States made the right decision to enter into Iran and provide tending with the British. If I were to travel back to 1952 and take a position in the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) for the sole purpose of examining the American Foreign Intelligence, I would call for to cerebrate that the fused States should have examined their options more thoroughly, and decided non to intervene with Iran and Mossadegh. I have taken this position after great analysis, which is something that Eisenhower and his staff never did. By discussing the history of Iran, the Anglo-Iranian oil company, and Document NSC-68 I will try to prove once and for all that going through with the coup in Iran was a repelling mistake made by the United States.There were many asp ects concerning the history of Iran that showed that the coup was a bad idea. The role of religion played a genuinely influential part in the history of Iran. Many pot living in Iran still to this day believe in the Zoroastrian religion. The beliefs associated with this religion may account for many of the uprisings and political protests aimed at the Shah and his power. This religion taught Iranians that they have an inalienable right to enlightened leadership and that the duty of subjects is not simply to obey novel kings but also to rise up against those who are wicked (20). Many thought that the Shah was a terrible leader, and that he would continue to sell out his country to foreigners for the right amount of money. I believe that Mossadegh also believed this, and that he used this Zoroastrian belief to do so. The Shah did not have farr, because he did not number or behave morally. Even Shiism, which came about dogged after the religion of Zoroastrian, believes that ruler s may hold the power of a country only as long as they are just. By looking over the history of Iranian religion, this alone should have set of alarms in the political sympathies that this coup may not be the right way to get Mossadegh out of power.Not only did the religious history play a large role in Irans beliefs but also foreign invaders have been imposing their power on the Iranian region for thousands of years. Iran... ...n, instead of the coup. Instead of rushing into the coup like the Unite States did, it should have sat down, and laid out all of the possible options, and then chose the best course of action.In All The Shahs Men there seems to be a very strong hatred for all foreign powers, including the United States, taken by the citizens of Iran. I believe that this ultimately occurred because of the impatience of certain government officials in Washington D.C., and also in Great Britain. If only there could have been better communication between countries, I feel that there would have been a solution reached. The stubbornness of the British for the most part, led to many lives being lost, and a feeling of perpetual disgust being shown towards the United States for their involvement. Although the British were our allies and we did have an extreme fear of communism taking over the free world, this coup was disorganized, forced along too quickly, and put forth without any guidance or strong evidence, which in the end proved to completely defy what the United States was trying to impose on the world, and what Mossadegh was trying to give his people freedom and democracy.

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